Having three kids ranging in age from 9 to 19 makes finding time to spend together a constant struggle. The older they get I find that it's much more important to find that time yet much harder. Certain schedules work for a few months but quickly change as extracurricular activities update. Since food and eating is a dominate force amongst all three kids I decided that sharing one meal per day would be a requirement for all family members. Dinner time seems to be the best time for all of us to gather around but sometimes on the weekends breakfast and on occasion lunch may work best. It's a great compromise between parents wanting to spend time with their kids and kids not wanting to spend too much time with their parents.
There are a couple "must haves" in order to make this process work smoothly. First and foremost is naturally, great food. Without this element it will be like pulling teeth to get everyone to come and participate in a happy meal together. The mood will be sour and the conversation stale with quick answers such as "yes and no" just to appease all your questions that your kids find so tedious to respond to. Always consider serving meals that are generally well liked among your crowd. A great meal is only enhanced by eating it in a beautiful and inviting space that is cozy and well lit. Being an interior designer I pay close attention to this aspect because it's what I'm most passionate about. I'm lucky to be married to someone who enjoys cooking so we share the task of creating an environment for a happy family. Here are some beautiful spaces that will help entice your family to come around and hang out a little longer than they thought they wanted to.
image: the cottagemarket.com |
image: housebeautiful.com |
image: suzyhomefaker.blogspot.com |
image: apartmenttherapy.com |
image: cityfarmhouse.com |
image: designlovefest.com |
Enjoy this time you have together, make it something that everyone looks forward to. Keep the conversation happy, praise your kids for making good choices and encourage them to find something great to tell about their day. Always having a positive attitude and making the effort to spend time with the people who love you will be a life lesson that they will remember for years to come.
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